Laura Fochtmann, MD Appointed to APA Committee, Receives an Honored Speaker Award from International Society

Laura Fochtmann, MD

July 8, 2013 - Professor Laura Fochtmann, MD has been appointed as a consultant to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Committee on Electronic Health Records (EHRs). She also received the Honored Speaker Award of the International Society for ECT and Neurostimulation at the organization’s annual meeting on May 19th in San Francisco.

The many tasks of the Committee on EHRs include educating APA members on EHRs and advising the APA Board of Trustees about technical, clinical and regulatory issues related to electronic psychiatric records. Dr. Fochtmann, who has a Master’s degree in Biomedical Informatics, is a past chair of the committee and the Medical Editor of the APA Practice Guidelines.
Each year the International Society for ECT and Neurostimulation invites one of its members to present an Honored Speaker address at its annual meeting. The society is an international organization dedicated to promoting the safe, ethical, and effective use of electroconvulsive therapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation. Dr. Fochtmann’s presentation addressed “Trends in the literature on ECT: Implications for evidence-based guidelines.”