POST-OP #35 Is Now Out — Our Department News Update

Submitted by Stony Brook Surgery on Thu, 04/06/2017 - 14:12

<strong><font color="#990000">Read about How We Are Leading the Way in Patient Care, Education, and Research</font></strong>

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<a href="/sites/default/files/POST-OP_No35.pdf" target=_blank">
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<td width=440 valign=top><B>POST-OP</B>, our semi-annual newsletter, provides an update on all kinds of new developments in our department, plus health news of interest to the Long Island community and beyond:

<LI class="innertext"><span>New Office in Commack Facilitates Access to Our Services</SPAN></LI>

<LI class="innertext"><span>Verification as Adult/Pediatric Level 1 Trauma Center</SPAN></LI>

<LI class="innertext"><span>Introducing New Faculty</SPAN></LI>

<LI class="innertext"><span>Hernia Center Established to Provide Multidisciplinary Team Care to Patients</SPAN></LI>

<LI class="innertext"><span><a href="/sites/default/files/centerfold-map-35.pdf">Centerfold Map of Practice Locations and Services throughout Suffolk County</a></SPAN></LI>

<LI class="innertext"><span>Offering Less Invasive Carotid Artery Surgery, First on Long Island</SPAN></LI>

<LI class="innertext"><span>Streamlining Delivery of Acute Care Surgery to the Benefit of Patients</SPAN></LI>

<LI class="innertext"><span>Providing Our Colorectal Surgery Services on Eastern Long Island</SPAN></LI>

<LI class="innertext"><span>Weight Loss Center Reaccredited for Treating Adolescents 13 and Older</SPAN></LI>

<LI class="innertext"><span>Alumni News & Division Briefs &#133; <I>Plus More!</I></SPAN></LI>


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"At Stony Brook, our faculty believe they have two jobs: providing excellent and innovative patient care, and always thinking about how the team can do it even better the next time.

In this edition of POST-OP, our Level 1
Trauma designation (new for New York
trauma centers) is a clear reflection of
excellence. The TCAR procedure being
performed by our vascular surgeons,
described here, is an example of excellence
and innovation applied directly to improve
patient care. These are but a few of many
examples in our department.

'Excellence and Innovation.' That is the Stony Brook Surgery way." — From the "Chairman's Message" by <a href="/surgery/people/faculty/dr-mark-a-talamini">Mark A. Talamini, MD</a>


<span class="pointer"><B><A href="/sites/default/files/POST-OP_No35.pdf" target=_blank>Read POST-OP online now</a>. To receive a complimentary <font color="#990000"><i>free</i> subscription</font> to POST-OP (printed), please <a href="; target="_blank">send request</A> with your complete postal mailing address.</B></span></P>