Department of Surgery News

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<strong><font color="#990000"><em>Aiming to Find an Effective Non-Surgical Treatment</em></font></strong>

<p>Varicose veins affect approximately 20% of the adult population. They are superficial vessels that are abnormally lengthened, twisted, or dilated, and are seen most often on the legs and thighs.</p>

<p>Varicose veins bulge and rise above the skin’s surface. They may be uncomfortable and result in swelling of the legs. If left untreated, varicose veins may lead to more serious medical problems, such as phlebitis, inflammation, or leg ulcers.</p>

<p>Our vascular team is currently participating in a multicenter clinical trial of an investigational drug and non-surgical procedure for the treatment of varicose veins. <a href="/surgery/people/faculty/dr-antonios-p-gasparis">Antonios P. Gasparis, MD</a>, associate professor of surgery and director of the <a href="; target="_blank">Stony Brook Vein Center</a>, is the principal investigator of the study here.</p>

<div class="callout"><p>Varicose veins can be a real medical condition, not just a cosmetic problem, and they call for the best ideas in medicine.</p></div>

<p>The purpose of this research study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of polidocanol endovenous microfoam (PEM) compared to placebo (inactive solution) when used following an FDA-approved heat treatment (standard of care) in subjects with varicose veins.</p>

<p>PEM is a sclerosant, that is, a chemical that causes veins to close. This sclerosant has been made into foam of very small bubbles to create microfoam. Approximately 700 subjects have received PEM in the United States and Europe over the past six years, and its therapeutic promise motivates the current trial.</p>
<p>Men and women between the ages of 18 and 75 with varicose veins may be eligible to enroll in this study. Participants will get the study drug and study-related medical care at no cost, and will also receive compensation for participating in the trial.</p>